Why Do You Write?

 Madeira Beach, FL

It seems that the “why” of writing has a lot to do with how one presents their work to the world. I took a closer look at this recently because I was feeling frustrated over initial rejections of an article and short story I had written earlier this year. When I thought more about how I truly believe that my words will find their way to those who are meant to read them, it all became very simple. I am not writing to become a New York Times best-selling author. I am writing about things that are important to me and hoping that others will find value in my words. Any monetary reward is welcomed as a bonus.

Lately, I have been reading a lot of comments about the merits of self-publishing. Having more control over the whole process is a big factor. Not waiting months to hear “no,” or nothing, from an editor is a major one. Moving things along at your own pace sounds very attractive to me.

Every author’s situation has its own unique qualities. As an older person who has had full time commitments for most of my life, I am looking for a little “me” time. It doesn’t mean that I am not serious about my writing; it simply means that I am not looking for a full time career, nor do I have a lifetime of writing ahead of me. It’s writing on my own terms. That sounds to me like a self-published writer.

So, for those of you who are writers, what are your goals for your writing?  How does it fit in with your lifestyle?

11 thoughts on “Why Do You Write?

  1. Writing is an art. And the best art is the kind that has a sense of truth ringing through it. It does not feel forced and it does not feel as if it was motivated by a piece of paper (dollar). Anyway, that is my two cents. Enjoyed this very much, it had a sense of truth about it..

    • I totally agree. It just doesn’t work very well when you try to force writing; it has to be allowed to come from a place deep inside of you to work well. I appreciate your comment.

  2. Shirley, I think I know how you feel. After writing books commissioned by publishers, I wrote my own book, and had lots of complimentary comments from publishers but no offers to print.
    So I did it myself. It was wonderful I could design my own cover, choose my own type faces, and lay-out, have no insensitive editor wanting to change ‘he’ to ‘personkind’ and the like, and did it in my own time, with no pressure of a time=table. I can’t recommend it too highly.
    Selling is another ,matter, but this comment is too long already – radio programmes, local papers, and talking to groups like Probus and U3A etc
    Hope this may be useful to you….!, …

  3. Blogging brought me back to writing, something I have enjoyed off and on, often in letter form. Then I discovered a program devised to help us in writing our own personal stories (you can read more about that on my sight) – that led to a growing collection of ‘essays’. Now I am compiling them all into a book I will self publish using Blurb (you can google that). It focuses on family stories of my ancestors. My target audience? Family members – nothing grandiose there and certainly no fortune to be earned. As to how it fits in with my life style? I’m retired and I am spending a LOT of time at the computer and loving it. 🙂

    • It’s wonderful that you are writing on your own terms and finding it very satisifying. I imagine those of us who are retired have more flexibility in picking and choosing how and what we write. And having no deadlines but our own is great, too. Best of luck with your book, Lynne!

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